Meet the team

Meet the Founder

Hi everyone! My name is Reesa and I am from the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I am extremely passionate about the intersection of social justice and self-empowerment strategies, as I have struggled to navigate my own ethnic identity understanding, and am continuously working to love myself in the most authentic way I can.

I learned to be self-dependent at a young age and believe strong personhood is crucial to pursuing any dream one holds. I initially began this platform as an anonymous blog where I wrote about my own battles with self-love and rising political uncertainty. I was hesitant to share this with my close friends and family, as my area was heavily concentrated with groups against social activism. It wasn’t until I found individuals as passionate as I was about these issues that I expanded this resource to the world.

I am still learning, practicing, and growing every day to become the best version of myself. Self First has allowed me to combine two things I am most passionate about: researching social and systemic issues while creating a positive coping outlet for my own and others' learning processes.

I hope you take something good away from this, too.

Who We Are

Self First is built on the pillars of self-love and personal improvement in channeling effective social activism. Our methodology lies in placing our well-being at the forefront of demanding change, which is rarely seen as a β€˜productive’ element to justice studies and advancement. But without this care, our efforts and institutional demands may lead to emotional debilitation and burnout from our fight. Self-education does not just mean constant awareness to rising political threats, but sensitivity to how to uplift our personal outlook in times of grave uncertainty.